A very interesting script indeed. (Never heard of it before).
While the shape andsc the impression it does is quite intriguing and fascinating, I'd think that it's rather impractical to write actually.

Thank you. That's indeed the elephant in the room. Writing systems differ /hugely/ in their practicability. Criteria like

 * ease of being handwritten
 * ease of being typed
 * speed of being read
 * likelihood of confusion of individual characters/letters/symbols (in
   either production or recognition)
 * 1-to-1-ness of the mapping between orthographic representation and
   phoneme string

seem to rarely be considered as design criteria. I never understood this. Discussions with people used to a particular writing system tend to reveal the lack of critical thinking applied to such issues.

Incidentally, it seems like strict geometric shapes pose a particular problem for handwriting. Letter sets with lots of /strict/ right angles and the like or with angles in certain directions (seemingly generated through "symmetrically motivated" design) are often not easy to produce by hand.


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