There are definitely many dialects across Switzerland. I think that for
*this* phrase it would be roughly the same for most of the population, with
minor differences (eg 'het' vs 'hät'). But a native speaker like Martin
would be able to say for sure.


On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 12:52 PM, Philippe Verdy <> wrote:

> Is that just for Switzerland in one of the local dialectal variants ? Or
> more generally Alemannic (also in Northeastern France, South Germany,
> Western Austria, Liechtenstein, Northern Italy).
> 2018-03-09 12:09 GMT+01:00 Mark Davis ☕️ via Unicode <>
> :
>> De Papscht hät z’Schpiäz s’Schpäkchbschtekch z’schpaat bschtellt.
>> literally: The Pope has [in Spiez] [the bacon cutlery] [too late] ordered.
>> Mark

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