On 2019-01-12 4:26 PM, wjgo_10...@btinternet.com wrote:
I have now made, tested and published a font, VS14 Maquette, that uses VS14 to indicate italic.


The italics don't happen in Notepad, but VS14 Maquette works spendidly in LibreOffice!  (Windows 7)  (In a *.TXT file)

Since the VS characters are supposed to be used with officially registered/recognized sequences, it's possible that Notepad isn't trying to implement the feature.

The official reception of the notion of using variant letter forms, such as italics, in plain-text is typically frosty.  So advancement of plain-text might be left up to third-party developers, enthusiasts, and the actual text users.  And there's nothing wrong with that.  (It's non-conformant, though, unless the VS material is officially recognized/registered.)

Non-Latin scripts, such as Khmer, may have their own traditions and conventions WRT special letter forms.  Which is why starting at VS14 and working backwards might be inadequate in the long run.

Khmer has letter forms called muul/moul/muol (not sure how to spell that one, but neither is anybody else).  It superficially resembles fraktur for Khmer.  Other non-Latin scripts may have a plethora of such forms/fonts/styles.

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