Strange, has several meanings, not all positive. Perhaps the term outlier is less ambiguous. One definition is unfamiliar, some outliers over time become widespread in use, become famliar we no longer consider them strange, but as they are still different are still outliers. CJK is a living script so new characters come and go, not all become widespread in there use.

"Egyptologist" is certainly an outlier, an certainly strange to me. One question is what do "Egyptologist" think of it.


On 2020-02-14 08:13, Ken Whistler via Unicode wrote:
Well, no, in this case "strange" means strange, as Ken Lunde notes.
I'm just pointing to his list, because it pulls together quite a few
Han characters that *also* have dubious cases for encoding.

Or you could turn the argument around, I suppose, and note that just
because the hieroglyph for "Egyptologist" is strange, that doesn't
necessarily mean that the case for encoding it is dubious. ;-)


On 2/13/2020 3:47 PM, wrote:
An interesting comparison, if strange means dubious, then the name kstrange should be changed or some of the content removed because many of the characters in the set are not dubious in the least.

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