On Tue, 2009-01-27 at 18:34 +0530, Nitin Bhardwaj wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm using CentOS 5.2 ( kernel 2.6.18.-92.el5 ), which is based on RHEL
> 5.2, on a Pentium PC ( i386).
> After looking around, I built the unionfs module from the following
> release patch:
> http://download.filesystems.org/unionfs/stable/unionfs-2.4_for_2.6.18-RHEL5.diff.gz
> http://download.filesystems.org/unionfs/stable/unionfs-2.3.3_for_2.6.18-RHEL5.diff.gz
> referenced in the thread:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/unionfs@mail.fsl.cs.sunysb.edu/msg02973.html
> on the RHEL kernel source distributed with the DVD media:
> kernel-2.6.18-92.el5.src.rpm
> The patch applies successfully, it compiles fine and the module gets
> built successfully; But when I try to insert the module ( of course
> after depmod -a ), I get the following error:
> [r...@localhost ~]# modprobe unionfs
> FATAL: Error inserting unionfs
> (/lib/modules/2.6.18-92.el5/kernel/fs/unionfs/unionfs.ko): Unknown
> symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
> The dmesg output is as follows:
> unionfs: Unknown symbol vfs_splice_from
> unionfs: Unknown symbol krealloc
> unionfs: Unknown symbol lookup_one_len_nd
> unionfs: Unknown symbol vfs_splice_to
> unionfs: Unknown symbol vfs_path_lookup

It looks like you haven't built the kernel rpms and updated the kernel
on the machine you want to use the module on.

I think these are changes to the VFS proper made by the patch. They
won't be available if you try and install the module on a system with a
stock kernel.

> ---------------------------
> I tried both unionfs-2.3.3 and unionfs-2.4 patches, with the same
> failure. Please guide me if I'm missing anything here...
> Thanks,
> Nitin
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