On Fri, 2009-01-30 at 13:58 +0900, Tetsuo Handa wrote:
> Hello.
> You might be able to consult this file.
> http://svn.sourceforge.jp/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/trunk/1.6.x/ccs-patch/specs/build-c5-2.6.18.sh?view=markup&revision=2013&root=tomoyo
> This file modifies spec file so that TOMOYO patches are applied when
> rpmbuild is executed.
> In your case, the file to patch is unionfs's patches.
> > Oh bummer, build failed, got caught with the kabi whitlist checks.
> > I've not had to deal with the kabi validation before so this will have
> > to wait for a while, sorry.
> Also, you may need "--without kabichk" option.

Unfortunately it's not that simple.
The unionfs patch changes the ABI. So far I see that lookup_one_len is
renamed to lookup_one_len_nd (and obviously the parameter signature).
Removing symbols listed in the kabi whitelist should not be done so this
will require more work.


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