A quick clarification with regards to traffic concerns. This particular lot has access to both Baltimore and Cedar Avenue. We have already had accidents on Cedar Avenue as a result of drivers coming out of the parking lot into Cedar Avenue and not paying attention (and ending up in a resident's front yard, almost reaching the newly restored porch). We are not concerned about traffic increase in Baltimore, which wouldn't be much of a difference, but we are concerned about increased traffic on Cedar Avenue which is already pretty busy thanks to the number of drivers who think this is a great way to get ahead of the trolleys and drive thru this street at 55 mph.



From: "Dan Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Dan Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [UC] Re: 4610 Cedar Avenue Take out Zoning Hearing rescheduled
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 15:16:35 -0500

Extra trash? Is that the reason? You have got to be joking! I would think
that a restaurant would have less trash because of take out-- all of the
bags, boxes, and plastic forks that would be used at the restaurant would be
sent to the person's home instead of at the restaurant, hence less people
eating there too.

Ok, traffic may be an issue if it was a Hard Rock cafe or McDonalds. But Le
Mandingue Restaurant is a little less known. And I don't think the traffic
is really an issue, nor is parking, as they DO have a parking lot equateable
to what the size of the restaurant is. Heck, I don't think Abbraccio has
enough parking spots to accommodate the size of the restaurant, but no one
opposes them (including me).

So what's the real issue? Change? I think most people are afraid of change.

Dan Myers
----- Original Message -----
From: "Marielena Mata" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: [UC] Re: 4610 Cedar Avenue Take out Zoning Hearing rescheduled

> It seems that a number of people have questions with regards to the
> opposition to a take-out business. For that purpose, I am pasting the
> of the petition that CPPNA is submitting at the time of the hearing. It
> lays out a number of reasons for the opposition.
> Maty
> To Whom It May Concern:
> We, the neighbors request that a zoning variance for a take-out operation
> NOT be granted for the property located on 4610 Cedar Avenue. 4610 Cedar
> Avenue is an attractive location for a business given its direct access to
> both a commercial corridor and a residential neighborhood. But it is this
> proximity to a residential neighborhood that makes a take-out business an
> inappropriate use of the space for the following reasons:
> 1. Trash: Normally, trash generated by a take-out business is greater
> that generated by a regular eat-in operation both from the business side
> the patron side. As it is, trash management for an eat-in operation in
> location is not sufficient at this time. We, the neighbors, have been
> trying to work with the current tenants to address the issue of garbage
> management before they open an eat-in restaurant (Please refer to
> "Neighborhood Development and Operating Agreement" document). We, the
> neighbors, are concerned that a take-out operation will result in
> trash in the neighborhood with its accompanying consequences, increased
> pests (rodents and insects), refuse smells and blight.
> 2. Traffic: A take -out business will have a direct impact on traffic in
> the neighborhood. The parking lot of this property accesses Cedar Avenue
> directly, increasing traffic. This is particularly true if, as stated by
> the tenants, they aim to attract the taxi driver population. An increase
> traffic will increase the incidence of noise, traffic violations and
> accidents. In addition, loitering and cars parked on the lot, two
> that tend to attract crime and blight, will also increase.
> 3. Parking: Although this property has a parking lot, this lot does not
> have the capacity to support a take-out operation, particularly at peak
> hours. This is a concern as parking is already limited in the neighborhood
> and cannot accommodate the increased demand set by a take-out operation.
> a consequence, we would see an increase in parking violations with
> increased risks to both drivers and pedestrians.
> 4. Noise levels and operating hours: In previous discussions with the
> property tenants, they have talked about possible hours of operations
> 12 noon to 12 am, 7 days/week. Such hours will result in heavy traffic
> increased noise levels until the early hours of the morning throughout the
> week in a peaceful residential neighborhood where children and working
> adults need to get adequate rest.
> 5. The tenants: West Philadelphia, and in particular, the Baltimore
> have been great examples of the fight against blight as a result of the
> collaborations between neighbors and business owners willing to work
> together for the betterment of the community. It has been our experience
> that the current tenants are not willing to work with us and have been
> deceitful to the local government, the property owners and the community
> large (please, refer to attached documentation). The current tenants
> falsified documents to acquire permits illegally and have failed to follow
> L&I and other governmental agencies' instructions over and over again.
> tenants also failed to notify the property owners that they intended to
> a restaurant and that they would carry on remodeling projects to add a
> kitchen to the property. Finally, the tenants have made promises to the
> community and failed to keep them, knowing very well that the community
> would fight them if they pursued certain types of businesses, such as a
> restaurant. The most relevant of these empty promises was the one of not
> opening a take-out business in this property.
> Based on the aforesaid information and attached documentation, the
> of the 46th and Cedar Avenue block and neighbors strongly object to this
> zoning variance and respectfully request that such variance be denied.
> >From: "Dan Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: "Dan Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: "Gerardo Razumney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >Subject: Re: [UC] Re: 4610 Cedar Avenue Take out Zoning Hearing
> >Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 13:24:29 -0500
> >
> >I agree. Why is it bad to have take out there? Why is the general public
> >opposed to it? Are they intending to have late hours? Will they have
> >delivery service? It didn't work as a dollar store, or a laundry mat, so
> >why
> >not? It's a crucial spot for the right business. Let them try...let them
> >eat
> >cake!
> >
> >Dan Myers
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "Gerardo Razumney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 11:37 AM
> >Subject: [UC] Re: 4610 Cedar Avenue Take out Zoning Hearing rescheduled
> >
> >
> > > I cannot understand why the neighbors are opposed. Baltimore Ave. is
> > > commercial corridor; that corner is heavily commercial, with a gas
> > > station and a used furniture store across the street, and several
> > > stores nearby. The site has a parking area, which is a guarantee
> > > against double parking, so prevalent and annoying at other take out
> > > places. Attempts to develop other uses have failed; clearly it is not
> > > good to have an empty site. Can someone explain why it is a bad idea?
> > > Is there another viable plan for the site? Or is it just a desire to
> > > transform the entire area back into an isolated residential dream
> > > I hope not!
> > >
> > > Gerardo Razumney
> > >
> > >
> > > Marielena Mata wrote:
> > >
> > > > hello all,
> > > >
> > > > A Zoning Hearing has been rescheduled for the property on 46th,
> > > > Avenue and Baltimore Avenue (Le Mandingue Restaurant, which has not
> > > > opened). As mentioned before in these listservs, the neighbors of
> > > > Cedar Park Point Neighborhood Association (CPPNA) are opposed to a
> > > > take-out restaurant in this location. If you would like to show
> > > > support, the hearing is scheduled for wednesday, February 18, 2004
> > > > 3:30 pm. The location is 1515 Arch Street, 18th floor,
> > > >
> > > > If you need a recap of this situation, let me know and I will
> >to
> > > > you previous e-mails.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Maty
> > > >
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> > >
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