In a message dated 12/6/2004 11:48:10 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
The FOCP Board won't take action on any proposal until such time they get a report from the Planning Bommitee. There was a motion passed to encourage all dog owners to properly license and leash their dogs.
With all the humility that I usually flout around here, I had suggested privately that FOCP establish a special class of canine membership. This wasn't facetious (a fact that surprised all who know and therefore love me). Rather:
a) primarily, a way to get a handle on people who take advantage of the park to get their dogs out-of-doors and socialized (not in the realpolitikal sense, Kerry/Edwards lost the election), so they could be communicated with directly on canine issues;
b) secondarily, a way to raise a few bucks from folks to whom the park is important by means of things like Clark Park pet chatzkies.
The communication channel could be a form of alerting and incentivization, which -- in an erudite, sophisticated, dare-I-say anointed community like ours -- would be far more effective and appropriate than dime dropping everyone who lets Fido off the leash to one of the three gestapo agencies who patrol our highways and byways.
The suggestion either got forgotten or tossed into the nearest street-corner wire-mesh UCD trash magnet.
Always at your service and ready for a dialog,

Al Krigman

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