Title: Iron Security Bars
Has anyone installed Iron Security bars on their home or building recently. We’ve been getting bids but they seem to be radically different in pricing for, what seems to me, the same job. I’m trying to not get taken – especially as many companies are asking for 50% down.

Any advice or price estimates welcome. (We’re doing the first floor (10 windows) and 4 basement windows.) I know it’s all dependant on how large the windows are, which decorative elements we select, etc. I’m just looking for a ball park estimate that others have paid for something similar and if anyone has had a really good or bad experience with a particular company.



White Dog Cafe                   
3420 Sansom St, Philadelphia, PA 19104                 
(215) 386-9224 x105                

The Black Cat Gift Shop
3426 Sansom St, Philadelphia, PA 19104

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