>Subject: Re: [UC] We're Paying This Loopy Bryn Mawr Student $180,000???
 >Look, we know that Ross won't make any apologies 

Ross is just sore that a) she got a free body cavity search and b) his Ph.D. 
never earned him $180,000 for three weeks worth of work.

In a similar, but more related vein, what ever became of the African American 
penn staff/faculty member who was harrassed by security for walking his bicycle 
across spruce street? the implication being that he must have stolen it.

The DP reports today that "overall" crime is down by 3 percent this year, but 
if you're not affilitated with the University your mileage may vary.

There was a 22% drop in robberies in the areas that the Penn Police patrol.-

"Penn Criminology Professor Lawrence Sherman agreed, saying that DPS's main 
goal should be to protect those affiliated with the University."

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