In a message dated 1/26/2007 9:45:03 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Blackwell's bill would eliminate the first two categories (utility  poles and 
streetlights). Imagining the proliferation of ugly advertisements,  should 
the bill be passed, is left as an exercise for the  reader.

IMHO (H=humble), posters on utility and light poles add to the funky vibe  of 
the neighborhood. They're especially appropriate because this is a  
pedestrian-oriented area so they offer a great means of communication among  
that may not be readily reached by other means. Sure, there will be some  
But a) it's the kind of abuse that doesn't hurt anybody and only offends  the 
sensibilities of folks looking to be offensive; and b) the disadvantages of  
minor abuse are far outweighed by the benefits of the communication medium  
provided. Further, the litter problem that many cite is caused more by the  
self-righteous folks who tear down other people's posters than those who put  
up and leave them.  

Al  Krigman
Free markets, free people

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