Your point isn't sound, Glenn.  To claim that UCD is against free speech
because they tear down illegal posters is akin to claiming that the
state of Pennsylvania is trying to destroy the right to drive a car
because they refuse to register cars that don't pass inspection.  To see
the attempt to stifle civil rights in UCD's actions is tinfoil helmet
- Mike V.

-----Original Message-----
From: Glenn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 8:53 AM
To: Kyle Cassidy; Mike V.;
Subject: Re: [UC] important question about free speech rally


Cassidy, I can see why you like Tony's style so much. You know you may
be able to impress upscale wolves at first, but your technique at
debating becomes clear after a few rants.

Sure, any jerk can pull 2 sentences out of context, start ranting that
the writer actually means something completely different while hoping
that no one checks the original source. Tony thinks he is clever when he
relies on this cheap and simple technique and you do as well. Rant on
brother. When you stop trying this Tony style idiocy, let me know

This was much better Cassidy. You actually make a point and you actually
catch me using a weak choice of words. Try this direct approach at
debating more often:

"And this one: " ... UCD efforts at 'law enforcement.' This effort
sought to destroy the residents' ability to announce community meetings,
protest wars and business improvement districts, and any grassroots

What specifically has UCD done to "destroy" residents ability to
announce community meetings? Have they shut down this listserve? Or the
UC Review? or knocked down the kiosks in Clark Park? or carted away the
bulletin boards in the Green Line? Shut down the Phillyblog? "

Here is my revised statement. UCD efforts at law enforcement sought to
destroy a very valuable grassroots communication network. Not only did
observation of this communication network reveal the healthy and diverse
neighborhood, but also it was an extremely important communication
network for the conveyance of many types of relevant neighborhood

There are different types of communication vehicles, but for many types
of information and to reach the maximum number of people in a small
geographic neighborhood or community; street posters are perhaps the
most valuable medium serving the community. Examples would include lost
kitty poster, anti UCD posters, times and locations of Clark Park
redesign meetings, anti war rallies, etc. To me, this first UCD
enforcement policy shows a reckless disregard for the residents of this
neighborhood by an out of control UCD police, or it suggests a
deliberate focus on stifling free speech and thwarting any type of
community organizing outside of UCD's direct control.

Stop showing a bullying style of debating, Cassidy. Yes you impressed
Tony, Brian and Melani with your cheap rant. Others will see that you
are a brat who like Tony relies on this technique while refusing to
challenge someone's ideas. Do you really believe I'm going to waste time
on your cheap tricks and your absurd interpretations of my meanings?
Rant on brother.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Kyle  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cassidy 
To: Glenn <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ; Mike V.
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ; 
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 3:15 PM
Subject: RE: [UC] important question about free speech rally

Did you try this "the answers to your questions are in the archives of
my previous rants, let me know when you've found them" approach when you
were in collage?

Though We could use some clarification on a few of the extra assertions
in this post (and for extra credit please try to use the words
"astroturfing" and "ad hominim" in your responses)

For example this: "Consider the implications of the 'special events
review committee' which would have eliminated all independent events in
Clark Park except UCD events and the Spruce Hill May Fair.  This
committee was a creation by the Fairmount Park Commission which controls
Rittenhouse Square."

Are you now saying that it isn't Penn who is trying to eliminate "free
speech" (which has now morphed into the undefined "independent events"
but it's actually the Fairmount Park Commission? (Who does indeed
control the park, not UCD) Or are you saying that Penn now controls the
Fairmount Park Commission? In either event, please show your work.

And this one: " ... UCD efforts at 'law enforcement.' This effort sought
to destroy the residents' ability to announce community meetings,
protest wars and business improvement districts, and any grassroots

What specifically has UCD done to "destroy" residents ability to
announce community meetings? Have they shut down this listserve? Or the
UC Review? or knocked down the kiosks in Clark Park? or carted away the
bulletin boards in the Green Line? Shut down the Phillyblog? You have
the rhetoric of Che Guevara picketing a kids lemon aid stand. I hope
you'll put this energy to good use when something tragic happens in the
world; say, the Patriot Act or prisoner abuse at Abu Ghrabe.

Hopefully this will be an uplifting example: Some of your neighbors, who
thought the law forbidding signs posted on utility poles was not in the
best interest of the community, called their City Council woman and ask
that she get the law changed. They did this instead of inventing
conspiracy theories and daring the police to ticket them. If you think
that the law requiring people to curb their dogs is outrageous, or
whatever quality of life that's been imposed on you that you wish you
didn't have anymore, call your City Council woman and ask her to get it
changed. That's what she's getting paid for. Don't start screaming that
the poop free streets are part of a sinister conspiracy.

-----Original Message-----
From: Glenn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu 5/3/2007 2:18 PM
To: Kyle Cassidy; Mike V.;
Subject: Re: [UC] important question about free speech rally

RE: [UC] important question about free speech rallyKylie writes: "Please
show your work, this quiz counts towards your final grade."

Teacher dude, since your #1 just shows off your poor reading
comprehension.  I'll just ignore it.

To avoid redundancy answering #2, I'll refer you to the archives so you
can review and study my previous posts and others relevant additions
from the past few years. If you contact the mayor's commission on
literacy, they can get a volunteer tutor to assist you.  Please try to
be respectful to this tutor, he or she will try to help you with
Take extra time to study my posts, which describe the UCD/FOCP Quality
of Life task force. Lewis Wendell publicly refused to release the
documentation of this outrage when I demanded that these records be made
available to the publiic at one of the BID presentations.

Consider the implications of the "special events review committee" which
would have eliminated all independent events in Clark Park except UCD
events and the Spruce Hill May Fair.  This committee was a creation by
the Fairmount Park Commission which controls Rittenhouse Square.  It was
a great example of twisting an inappropriate quality of life ordinance
to the nth degree.  This was long before UCD fully controlled Clark
Park, so my arguments prevailed.  In fact, my track record for beating
the bullying by the FOCP is the reason why Tony West has banned me from
FOCP participation since 2003.  Of course at this point, UCD controls
Clark Park and reason has nothing to do with Clark park policy.

 This task force and an FOCP survey led to a City Paper article in 2001
titled, "Battle of the Bowl"  When I later announced the cancellation of
the fall 2002, Clark Park Music and Arts festival, I also published a
warning to dog owners, immigrants, drummers, the Woodland Ave Reunion
and soccer players that this task force wanted all of us whores and gang
members out of their park.  Unlike the poor FOCP, I was able to publish
this in the UC Review.

Regarding the assault on free speech, look also for posts that discuss
one of the very first UCD efforts at "law enforcement." This effort
sought to destroy the residents' ability to announce community meetings,
protest wars and business improvement districts, and any grassroots
organizing. The destruction of this communication network was an assault
on free speech and was justified as a quality of life enforcement needed
to fool suburbanites to call Melanie and buy a house.  The justification
seems absurd compared to the value of grassroots communication for the
health of a community.  However, UCD wasn't about to wait until NO-NID
posters went up before destroying this communication medium.  This was
UCD's first police action west of 40th St.

Let me know when you have completed your study. I have a tremendous
number of additional anecdotes that support my assertions. Very few
people have the amount of experience attempting to deal cooperatively
with UCD and Penn as I do. I was known as a builder and organizer and I
was naive enough to take Penn at its word about a desire for "community
engagement."  I even tried to help Penn with its miserable attempt to
replicate a Clark Park festival.  The 1999, "Welcome to the neighborhood
festival"  The following year the Daily Pennsylvanian covered my
rejection of Penn's attempt to buy the Clark Park music and arts
festival.  Check out these publications.

Because of my long involvement with Clark Park and my long association
with Penn, I was very involved since before this UCD occupation crossed
40th St. I had a long history of confrontation with the leaders of the
FOCP/SHCA when I attended the very first "Party for the park"

You can find the number for the Mayor's commission on literacy in the
phone book.



  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Kyle Cassidy
  To: Glenn ; Mike V. ;
  Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 11:21 AM
  Subject: RE: [UC] important question about free speech rally

  Dude, even if Penn chooses the members of the UCD's governing body in
a secret Masonic rite deep in the subterranean labyrinths of the Mill
Creek tunnel work -- how does ANYTHING you said here support your two
weird contentions:

  1) That Penn is somehow responsible for people not being allowed to
sing in Rittenhouse Square.
  2) That Penn and I quote is "extremely committed to the elimination of
free speech and the take over of public parks."

  "We" are extremely interested in your list of examples of Penn's
commitment to eliminating free speech. Seeing as that you managed not to
get arrested at the protest, we must assume that you fled like a
birkenstock wearing yuppie who needed to get back to his day job when
the mounted patrols swept the park and therefore we must question your
commitment to fighting for our freedom. In addition we must suspect that
you are actually a government mole trying to infiltrate the Free Speech
movement. Larry West would have been waving to us from the windows of
the Philly jail while we camped out in support.

  Please show your work, this quiz counts towards your final grade.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Glenn
  Sent: Thu 5/3/2007 10:44 AM
  To: Mike V.;
  Subject: Re: [UC] important question about free speech rally

  Mr, V

  I think you want a linguistic discussion about the way the word "we"
might be used?  If I say, "we in the United States believe in the right
to free speech," you would be quite correct to point out that not all
300 million citizens do believe in the right to free speech.  The word,
we, implies a shared group but is very different from the word,
everyone, or the phrase, all of us.

  When I used the word, we, I was referring to the following group.  We,
the residents of eastern West Philly subscribed to the university city
purple list whom are informed and interested in what is generally
referred to as local politics and consider concepts such as process of
governance, rights, duties etc.  For the sake of brevity, I hoped my use
of the word, we, would be understood to include folks that are sometimes
called UCD cheerleaders, those like myself wanting UCD to go away as
well as people who have feelings between.  However, I did not mean to
imply inclusion of those individuals who are not interested or informed
about these matters.

  Frankly Mr. V, I don't believe some upscale people on this list have
enough knowledge about processes associated with governance to follow
the various discussions that arise about the UCD, its corporate
partners, "spin," propaganda, etc.

  Now, if you want a public discussion about other aspects about my
words which you quote; please send an additional post with a clear
question of the disputed idea.  I get worried about the eyes of some of
the old geezers on the list if my posts get too long or complicated.

  Taking a guess at your disagreement but trying to save the old geezers
eyes, let me say this.  It is not just that Penn entities are the
primary funder of UCD.  The UCD board of directors is always chaired by
Penn real estate officials like John Fry and Omar.  The board of
directors is a hand picked assortment of corporate cronies to the
University.  They also carefully hand pick a couple of civic association
leaders to rubber stamp their plots and schemes regarding this

  If UCD was actually answerable to the "community" can you describe the
process by which the community chooses the UCD board of directors?  I
think a hand picked board of directors picked solely by closed
university proceedings is highly suggestive that UCD is the agent of
Penn.  If you can demonstrate that the UCD board of directors is chosen
in some other manner, I will admit the mistake of my words and apologize
to the list.

  Now in honor of old geezer eyes, I close.


          ----- Original Message -----
          From: Mike V. <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
          To: 'Glenn' <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ;
          Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 11:20 AM
          Subject: RE: [UC] important question about free speech rally

          Er, I'm pretty sure that "we" don't know that at all.  "We"
have seen no proof of that, nor even any highly suggestive evidence.
I'd thank you to be more careful when you speak for "us" in the future.
          - Mike V.

                  -----Original Message-----
                  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Glenn
                  Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 10:25 AM
                  Subject: [UC] important question about free speech

                  We know that Penn's agent in this neighborhood is UCD
and they are extremely committed to the elimination of free speech and
the take over of public parks.


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