Re: [UC] Delay and old news tacticYes.  This is the problem when processes 
break down and everything is reduced to power plays; people get hurt.  The UCD 
cronyism policy was bound to be caught in scandals and Mr. Fenton was always in 
a precarious position in that system as the logical fall guy.  Dumping this 
community court and the "homeless outreach" on him were just compounding his 

A doofus marketing organization like UCD should never be handed programs with 
vulnerable populations.  That is why UCD will not release a written protocol 
for their policy, but just made John guilty.  Those idiots had no appropriate 
protocol to give to Mr. Fenton.  Was that fair to suspend him and erect a 
stonewall in front of the organization policies? 

UCD would never admit to a policy failure so all of these years, John has been 
lucky.  Remember how an area of Powleton sued UCD because they weren't getting 
"the services" yet some cronies bragged about getting special crews out when 
they ignored the city's leaf collection system?  These "UCD services" are about 
power and I hope Councilwoman Blackwell stays away from UCD in the future.

That's my opinion based on my long term observation of UCD.  John seems like a 
good chap to me, and I hope he gets away from that awful UCD as soon as he can. 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Wilma de Soto 
  To: Glenn ; UnivCity listserv 
  Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 4:25 PM
  Subject: Re: [UC] Delay and old news tactic

  Today, The Philadelphia Daily News had a mention about Jannie Blackwell and 
the UCD scandal at Black Oak Park (now called Malcolm X Park), in their "Clout" 

  Nothing really new to report, but it won't be long now since the hounds have 
grappled on to it.

  I am sorry for her AND John Fenton.


  On 6/1/07 9:09 AM, "Glenn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

    Some of us don't believe an open-ended "internal investigation" which UCD 
claims, is actually occurring.. Remember, our town clown, Bender, used the 
image of UCD's findings announced in 2012.

    Others and I recognize that instead of investigation, there is damage 
control occurring at Penn. The general tactic being employed is what I call, 
"The Delay and Old News Tactic."

    When the news that UCD is good and nearly perfect comes sometime soon, the 
assertion will be made that they have discovered how to be 100% perfect forever 
more so that they may remain closed and secretive. The public announcement will 
make the point that some fuzzy incident occurred long in the past and only 
curmudgeons and Trustafarians want to "look to the past and not the future." 
(They will probably have a new survey and will probably make a call for "your 
wish list")

    I have heard this so many times here in the district often through the 
partners like Tony West's gang, the Friends of Clark Park, that it sounds like 
a broken record to me. The meaning of this, "look to the future not the past," 
is that nothing will be done to the policies, procedures, and secrecy that led 
to a specific, publicly exposed, incident. The incident will have been "swept 
under the rug" and the ad hominem machine will be loaded for any one that says, 
"hey UCD, you just swept this under the rug."  The use of the same treachery 
will be preserved for future use.

    I hope you all remember this prediction when the announcement comes out. 
It's not because I'm really smart like Mr. West that I'm able to make this 
prediction. It is because the treachery and secrecy are endemic in this UCD and 
the UCD culture. Over time, these tactics can be observed to be systematic and 
are employed with almost no thought by the actors. 

    There is such arrogance that the "free pass" given and the support of the 
cheerleaders using the ad hominem machine and fallacious argument strategies 
will carry the day. Of course using such tactics and strategies on a community 
will show the UCD wish to benefit from intentional divisiveness as some of us 
have accused UCD of doing in most of its "initiatives"  Look how Melani, Siano, 
and West are used like pawns with no concern that they will make complete 
idiots of themselves in front of their neighbors. Even if you don't like us 
outsiders,  whores, drug addicts, criminals, etc. and don't care about our 
rights as citizens; do you like your up-scale leaders to constantly be called 
on to make jackasses out of themselves for UCD benefit?

    UCD uses this in all of the initiatives I've seen, most notably for me, the 
takeover of UCD Park at 43rd and Baltimore. This is at the cornerstone of the 
hand picked closed steering committees we've seen with every initiative. The 
UCD argument is the following once an initiative leaks out to the public. 

    It's too late now to include stakeholders because the "community" has been 
chosen. We need to look to the future and not the past.  There will never be a 
mistake in the future but all future discussions will be secret. Trust us, our 
good good friends, if you have any questions or comments please, please, send 
them to us, our trash shredder is always plugged in for your questions.

    Everyone knows if they question this tactic, they will hear, "you're evil, 
hot-headed and stuck in the past like Moyer. Shut up now or we're going to make 
you sorry that you ever ever questioned The Friends of Clark Park or UCD" We 
are all supposed to remember that we are little people and UCD is getting 
almost unlimited power to rule the neighborhood we called home. It's partners 
are getting the fantasy of power because they will be able to bully their 
neighbors until the UCD power is 100%

    Watch for the Delay and Old News tactic coming soon to a newsmercial near 



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