Thanks for correcting my understanding, which was incorrect.


I still find the tenor of this discussion perplexing.  I really don't see
the fact that the guy has a printed business card carrying a UCD logo, and
identifying him (correctly)  as a Philadelphia police officer-to be anything
sinister or confusing.  I know why AL is making this fuss, but I find the
level of your ire about this somewhat unexpected--


You said:


"It is a deliberate blurring of authority that further creates the
impression that UCD is a governmental entity in and of itself, with
authority over everything in this area, including the duly sworn officers of
the Philadelphia Police Department."


I don't read it that way-I read the card as stating that he's a Philadelphia
Police Officer (if it really mattered, I would want to see a badge
anyway)-and that the UCD paid for printing the card, as well as providing
the office space, phone, and email addresses.     


So-our viewpoints differ-I do see the UCD as "helpful" rather than
"controlling" or "taking over." 


When it comes to police activities, I'd agree that it is pretty important
that the lines of authority be direct, and lead to the civil authorities,
and not a private corporation.


Have you had experiences in that specific area-police activity-that you see
as examples of the UCD overstepping a boundary?



Sent: Friday, September 28, 2007 4:29 PM
To: UnivCity listserv
Subject: RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report


"I believe that a number of members of Penn's police force are also
Philadelphia police officers...."
Those beliefs and suspicions are incorrect.  Police officers cannot work for
two different police departments at the same time. Penn Police and the
Philadelphia Police are two separate police departments. They have
overlapping jurisdictions insofar as the Penn Police patrol area falls
within the Phila. Police Dept's 18th District.  Sharing the same patrol area
does not mean that the two departments are one and the same.  
The Lieutenant in question has one job title, that of being a Lieutenant of
the Philadelphia Police Department. He is an Officer employed by the City of
Philadelphia. He is detailed to a Philadelphia Police substation on premises
donated by the University City District.  This arrangement is similar to the
former Police Substation at 50th and Baltimore donated by the then-operater
of the Firehouse Farmer's Market [now Dock Street] and paid for by Cedar
Park Neighbors, and the current Squirrel Hill Substation operated at 46th
and Chester.   Although private and community entities provided the money
and premises in order for the substations to operate, no one dared suggest
that doing so made the Police Officers detailed to those substations the
employees or subordinates of those non-police entities.  
Being detailed to the substation donated by UCD does not make the Lieutenant
an employee of the University City District, any more than being detailed to
the sports complex would make him an employee of the Eagles or the Phillies.

It is deceitful of UCD and demeaning to the Lieutenant to make it appear
that the Lieutenant is subordinate to UCD administration, rather than being
the Commander of a Philadelphia Police Substation that happens to be
supplied by UCD. He is responsible to the Philadelphia Police chain of
command, not to Lewis Wendell or UCD.  It is a deliberate blurring of
authority that further creates the impression that UCD is a governmental
entity in and of itself, with authority over everything in this area,
including the duly sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police Department.
Karen Allen

Subject: RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 23:57:27 -0400

I believe that a number of members of Penn's police force are also
Philadelphia police officers.  I suspect that they are clear on the lines of
authority, that card notwithstanding.  Presumably the officer in question
has two job titles, and chose the more impressive of the two to put on the


I think this is a long standing arrangement, and presumably the University
and the Philadelphia police department both find it to their advantage.


I really don't know more than this-asking the officer in question directly
would probably get more useful information.


He can be reached at:  [EMAIL PROTECTED], or 215 243 0555, extension



Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 9:58 PM
To: 'University City List'
Subject: RE: [UC] Who do sworn officers of the Philadelphia Police report


The card was not for a Lieutenant of the University of Pennsylvania Police
department. It was for a Lieutenant of the PHILADELPHIA Police Department. 
 The PHILADELPHIA Police Department and its employees are not employees of
Penn, the Penn Police, or of UCD. It is a governmental agency of the CITY OF
PHILADELPHIA, wholly supported by and answerable to the citizens of
Philadelphia and its elected representatives, and NOT to UCD.  Having a UCD
business card with the name of a ranking member of the PHILADELPHIA Police
Department mentioned in small letters symbolically, if not actually,
subjects the Lieutenant to the perception that he is nothing more than a
subordinate of UCD and its administrators, and that UCD has authority in
Philadelphia Police matters which supercedes that of the Lieutenant's actual
employer, the citizens and elected representatives of the City of
Karen Allen   

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