Listen to this speech by Michael Copps about the FCC process regarding new 
corporate media mergers.  The process might sound very familiar.

Doesn't the contempt, tactics, and process which he describes sound exactly 
like the process our neighborhood has come to expect from corporate Penn?  

Copps voices an optimism in the people to stand-up for independent media and 
democratic processes in his courageous speech.

But like this Christmas gift he discusses which will continue the destruction 
of a free and independent media nationally, urban neighborhoods like our UCD 
District are being turned over to corporate rule across this country.  Has our 
neighborhood stood up to several years of this same type of contemptuous 
anti-democratic process; these corporate bullying tactics, by Penn and their 
cronies?  West Philly is going down to plutocratic rule with only a murmer from 
a few "hotheads"  I hope Copps is right in his optimism.  I hope we don't need 
Blackwater to stop and frisk us at 43rd and Baltimore before we take a stand 
for American principals.


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