I for one am VERY happy about this.

Unfortunately those parents and children who do NOT have the money and the
clout behind them will lose their neighborhood schools and be herded into
corporate charter schools IF they would have them.  They will also be
"counseled out" and have decreasing choices for their education if charters
do not keep them. The attrition rate for African-American students,
particularly males, is quite high for corporate charter franchises.

Segregated, (mainly charter schools), have increased at a rate not seen
since BEFORE the Civil Rights Movement. The remaining public schools are
rundown, neglected from the siphoning of public funds to corporate charters.

Thankfully, Parochial School children have averted this fate because the
right people support them.  I just wish it could be so for public school
poor children of color.

From:  <craigso...@aol.com>
Reply-To:  <craigso...@aol.com>
Date:  Fri, 24 Feb 2012 17:07:15 -0500 (EST)
To:  "krf...@aol.com" <krf...@aol.com>, UnivCity listserv
Subject:  Re: [UC] Inky reports West Catholic will stay open

Also just announced on WPHT 1210 5:00 PM news, based on strong alumni
support. I was with Fr Marrone Wed nite; he was anxious for an answer. His
hard work and that of many others has been rewarded, but the stewardship
will have to be continuous.
In a message dated 2/24/2012 4:41:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
krf...@aol.com writes:
> Click  here: All four Catholic high schools saved
> <http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/school_files/Archdiocese-HS-news-coming-la
> ter-today.html>  

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