The West Philadelphia Coalition for Neighborhood Schools is one of my 
heroes.<br /><br />The rub is people of color have been dazzled by promises for 
charter schools which has been aided and abetted by politicians, the media, 
Hollywood, hedge fund managers, corporations and relying upon fomenting 
disrespect for teachers. <br /><br />To date there has been no evidence to 
support that charter schools outpace public schools. Some are successful, many 
are the same, a great deal are worse, yet the public perception is otherwise; 
unless you speak to current and former charter students and parents.  They now 
realize the hype has had a pernicious effect with the de facto re-segregation 
of schools and demanding obedience and regimentation instead of a broad 
comprehensive curriculum.<br /><br />Parents who resist the rhetoric and fight 
to maintain quality public schools have my utmost respect.<br /><br />Sent from 
Xfinity Mobile App

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