I maintain the Gentoo ebuild and I would agree - it'll be in the CPAN
packages. The Gentoo build doesn't use any of those bundled within
Squeezebox Server because of their "no library bundling" law.

If you're going to look into it I would start with anything Perl "DBI",
"DBIx" or "MySQL"-related. It would help me if you could report any
findings in this thread and I'll use that to fix the build if you track
it down. I'm sorry I hadn't been reading this thread or I would have
jumped in sooner.

As an aside, maintaining the Gentoo build is getting pretty difficult
due to these dependencies and the gradual breakage as they get upgrade
in Portage. I'd prefer a "bundled" ebuild including all of the
Logitech-tested dependencies as I believe that would do what more people
want, but I'd have to maintain that outside the official Portage tree.
I'm seriously considering this to save the maintenance effort.


On 21/03/2011 14:50, nigelf wrote:
> Ok - so...
> 1) The track from the Logitech test suite produces exactly the same
> error.
> 2) Shutting down system MySQL server & using embedded MySQL server
> produces 
> exactly the same error.
> 3) Using remote MySQL server (MariaDB 5.1.50) produces exactly the same
> error.
> 3) I have installed 6.0 v.32081 on my Gentoo/Funtoo box(exactly the
> same 
> noCPAN version as on NAS -  I skipped building any cpan modules, so
> they're 
> either working out the box or from the dependencies pulled in). The
> obvious difference is that it is running Perl 5.12.2 rather than
> 5.10.0.
> Everything works fine when using embedded MySQL, local MySQL (MariaDB
> 5.1.50) 
> or remote MySQL on NAS (MySQL 5.0.88). The only glitch I found is it
> won't 
> scan m4a files, but that is probably easily solved - right now I'm not 
> bothered about it given that I have no intention of keeping the server 
> installed on this box.
> This would seem to indicate - please correct me if I'm wrong - that the
> problem lies neither with the SBS build nor with MySQL, but somewhere
> amongst 
> the module dependencies. Given that gentoo adds some 160 perl-modules
> as 
> dependencies I now have to work my way through them; so if anyone has
> any bright ideas that might save some time...


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