soundcheck wrote: 
> Triode.
> Now SCHED_FIFO gets applied only, if -p <xx>is given.  Otherwise it's 
> default SCHED_OTHER 
> Patch 4 applies it to output.c AND stream.c . stream thread comes with
> output rt_prio += 1  ( Note: I didn't check if rt_prio_max=99 gets
> exceeded!). I also added the memlock.
> Patch 4 works pretty well with -c pcm. 
> TODO: If codecs get into play, perhaps the codec thread needs to be
> placed in between stream and output.
> Perhaps it's an idea to introduce "-p
> <stream-prio>:<codec-prio>:<output-prio>" to keep all the key threads
> most flexible and tunable.
> Cheers

Let me add the ability to set the output thread priority, but I don't
think we want to change the other thread priorites - definately not to
set the stream thread to a higher priority....

The aim of this is to make the output thread run as soon as it can after
the alsa wait routine returns.  This occurs after an interrupt from the
hardware and will enable us to work with smallest alsa buffers.  Its
valuable to have sched FIFO on all linux kernels as this means the
output thread will preempt all normal activity.  We also want it to
preempt the other threads within squeezelite.  There's a 10s buffer
between the output thread and the the other threads, hence we can afford
for there to be jitter on when these run as long as the output thread
runs at highest priority.

Complexity comes from the fact that there's shared memory with the other
threads.  There's 3 muxtexes to stop multiple threads overwriting each
other's data and these have priority inherit set so that if a lower
priority thread holds a mutex and the output thread is able to run, the
lower priority thread gets its priority boosted to ensure it runs so
that the output thread can run.  I want to audit the mutex calls again
to check I've minimised the other threads holding lock which could
impact the output thread, but I think it favors the output process as
much as possible at present.

The stream and decode thread will only run when there is data from the
tcp socket to decode - hence the stream thread blocks on network
activity.  There's not really much value in priorising this thread above
other threads as long as it will run often enough to enable decoding to
fill the 10 second buffer. Hence I want to keep this thread and the
decode thread at normal priority (and they definately need to be lower
priority that the output thread as we don't want the output thread to
stop so that input data from the tcp socket can be processed or

So can you hear a difference altering priorities.... (this subject
should be moved to the audiophile forums...).  As I discussed with EDO -
the primary purpose is to minimse/avoid underruns.  I believe this is
what we get with the stock configuration which will work with default
buffers on touch.  With the output device driver and then the output
thread haveing highest priority you get the likelihood of metronomic
waking of these threads to run for a short time and then sleeping until
the output device can consume more.  This provides the best real time
performance but we can speculat it may cause auidible impact of the
metronomic process wakeups.  By changing priorities, especially making
other more random events get priority over these tasks we probably add
randomness to when the output process runs. This will make buffering
more marginal and more likely to need to increase buffer size to avoid
underruns.  This may result in audible improvements, but I supect this
is very hardware specific and so I don't want to make this part of the
base code as we need it to be general to all hardware... (you are
clearly free to experiment).  I did add a randomiser function in the
later versions of EDO as an experiment with the impact of randomising
cpu activity in the output thread, but it met with significant
disaproval from some so I gave up on that......  

Bottom line - I will keep the priories in the base code simple with the
output thread being tunable.  I think with this and buffer tuning
there's a reasonable space for tweeking - I can't be sure that any other
priorisation tweeks will be benefical across a range of hardware and so
I would like to avoid this in the main code base.

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