Received a WandBoard last saturday. 

Downloaded Community Squeeze OS R4 version 1-52 via a link some pages
back in this forum, installed it, configured squeezelite and it worked
right away. A planned a  little more time for configuration, but it
worked within the hour after downloading via the onboard soundcard of
the wandboard, so big thanks to JackOfAll and Triode !!!

Encouraged by the success I started connecting a couple of USB dacs to
see if I could get them working. This took a little longer. It took me a
while to figure out that I needed to push the [restart] button after
configuring the DAC on the squeezlite web page (and remove 40::16: from
the alsa parameters). After that it worked like a charm.

I've tested the DACs/DDC's below, but was surprised it could play an
88.2 Khz file via the Hegel or E-DAC since they are using a Tenor 7022L
chipset that does not support 88.2Khz sample rate. On the Logitech
Squeeze box it would keep silent when playing such a file via the
external USB dac.

Hmm... Apearantly you are not allowed to post urls in your first post,
so they will follow.

Name: Hegel HD2 (Tenor 7022L)
URL: Will follow
Max Rate: 96k
Driver: ?
Class: UAC1
Used by: Audionootje

Name: Epiphany Acoustics E-DAC 24 bit Miniature USB DAC (Tenor 7022L)
URL: Will follow
Max Rate: 96k
Driver: ?
Class: UAC1
Used by: Audionootje

Name: Stello U3 USB to SPDIF Converter (XMOS)
URL: Will follow
Max Rate: 192k
Driver: ?
Class: UAC2
Used by: Audionootje

Based on my findings I would like to know 3 things:

1. Where can I find what sample rate conversion is going on?
2. Where can I find which driver is being used? I would like to report
this for the DAC's tested, but do not know where to find this
3. If I remove the "16" from the alsa parameters "40::16:" and play a 24
bit file, is this then played as 24bit or still converted to 16bit?

If anyone can help me here, it would be much appreciated.

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