Triode wrote: 
> I've added some code to emulate the old ir behaviour using the keyboard
> (and hence flirc) - would be good if Clive could add to the testing
> jivelite so people can tell me if they like it and if they find any side
> effects...

Good idea, this works for me (tested in HD grid skin). I used it to
search for short strings and was quite happy with its behavior in this
limited use-case. Longer search strings are not going to be worth the
pain, but I can live that since 4 or 5 letters is typically sufficient
to narrow down the choices to a short scrollable list.

I also tried jumping to places in the alphabet when browsing album
artwork in grid mode and the list of artists. What fools me sometimes is
when intital letters are missing from my collection (such as nothing
with the intial letter Q), so I expect to 777 to get to R, but this
overshoots; I have to know -a priori- that Q is missing and press 77 to
get R instead. Similarly, I only need to press 99 (not 999) to get to Y.
Perhaps if the whole thing slowed down, the user would understand that
he or she had jumped over a missing letter on his way to R or Y.
Alternatively, you could defer any jump-to-letter action until a
multiple-key-press timer had expired, which is the way texting used to
work in the dark ages.

Finally, I would rather the letter overlay pop-up in the middle of the
screen lingered a bit longer after I have selected a letter by numeric
keypad presses. It often disappears before I've really seen it. It would
be ideal if the timer that keeps the letter displayed be interuptable by
the next keypress, but otherwise stays up long enough for the user to
read it.  Alternatively a group of keypresses should be resolved into a
letter (after a timeout exprires) before any jumping to a new location
occurs, and that one letter should be displayed for a longer time.

Just my thoughts as I played with the new functionality. Others may feed

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