Triode wrote: 
> I've added some code to emulate the old ir behaviour using the keyboard
> (and hence flirc) - would be good if Clive could add to the testing
> jivelite so people can tell me if they like it and if they find any side
> effects...
> 1) The arrow buttons should change letters in the text input box (used
> for search) [note *]
> 2) The number buttons should jump to specific letters in a long text
> menu (e.g. "55" will jump to K) - note this only works for menus where
> this was previously enabled for IR [note **]
> note * - it would be possible to also add the function from 2 to the
> text input dialog, but this would prevent keyboard input of numbers if
> people have full keyboards so I have not done this for the moment.
> note ** - this is probably a little sensitive at present with flirc in
> that it jumps to the second letter mapped to a number quite fast -
> interested on people's views on this too.
> Feedback appreciated.  [its also possible it breaks stuff as I've not
> tested for more than a few minutes] 

Triode many thanks - didn't expect something quite so quickly.  This is
is a great step in the right direction.  

Jumping in lists works pretty well - the sensitivity problem you mention
is very apparent, but I have a feeling this maybe a FLIRC problem as
I've had the same thing when using FLIRC on other devices/application. 
Perhaps this is something we could take up with the FLIRC developers?

The search functionality is not quite intuitive, I'd much prefer to be
able to enter letters directly.  Not clear why having this would break
full keyboard input - can't the numbers continue to send a number on
initial press and then move on to letters? 

I'll do some more testing later and report back, but for now thanks

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