dsdreamer wrote: 
> I see your point. The usual best practice of back-porting important
> fixes from the development trunk into the previous version release
> branch can't happen because there is no branch. The only option that
> would leave would be to have a set of CSOS-specific patches to 7.8.0
> that get applied when building the CSOS RPM, but without changing the
> version number advertised to the user. This is what you had been doing
> anyway to patch DSD support into 7.8.0, which implies it is feasible,
> although I can see several reasons why it may not be desirable.

The way Michael has the branches at present, I think you should be
considering that fixes will always be added to future additions to
7.8.x, there will never be incremental additions to 7.8.0.  So we should
consider the 7.8.0 release as snapshot, not a branch which may get fixes
independent of the development branch.  This is the way LMS development
has been managed for a while (there is only one 7.7 branch for instance)
- we can question whether it is right or not, but its what we are
tracking in CSOS.  Don't see why we want to carry too many patches, so I
think we should probably track 7.8.x in the testing repo at least.

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