Hi Folks,

Firstly I just want to say thank you for this, it is amazing, got 4
players running in perfect sync with different audio chains, it's very

I posted this over at the Hifiberry forum, but they didn't seem sure so
I'll post it here as well if that's okay? Original Topic:

> Hi folks,
> I’m looking to potentially buy a couple of hifiberrys for my
> picoreplayer setup.
> My problem is one of these speakers will be in my bedroom. My problem is
> that all amps will produce some hiss when the gain is turned up, and as
> we use software volume the gain on the amps are always turned up,
> producing a small hiss, in most rooms this isn’t noticeable, but in the
> bedroom it will be more so. So my question was how do I
> eliminate/improve this hiss? Will the hifiberry amp help with this? If I
> “turn off” the player in logitech media server, will it, instead of just
> switching off the sound card like it does with the normal hifiberrys,
> will it actually turn off the amp, thereby solving the problem? Or will
> it be the same as if I was running an external amp? In that case any
> tips?
> Thanks

They replied with this:

> Hi Brett,
> you can just fully mute the Amp (set volume to 0). I’m not sure what
> happens if you just turn of the stream from LMS, we haven’t tested this
> yet. I can try this, but it won’t be in the next days.
> Best regards
> Daniel

Now from what I get from this, is if the Hifiberry Amp is set to volume
0, it will be completely muted, so my next question is, does
picoreplayer do this? I have noticed that when I turn off a player with
a normal hifiberry the physical light on the soundcard goes off and
audio is silent coming out of the pi, so if fitted with a hifiberry amp,
does it essentially turn off the amp thereby saving power and more
importantly, making the player perfectly silent? If this is the case
this is perfect for my bedroom speaker, where a hiss coming out all
night is obviously not ideal, especially with the GAF (not my wife :))

Thanks folks

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