I am run version 15.i of the picoreplayer on a Raspberry pi Model B. 
When I selected "HDMI settings" I was not getting any output at all,
although the song would appear to play for a few seconds and then stop. 
I am accessing my LMS through the internet to a remote location.  It can
access the LMS fine.   

When I changed the setting to analog out using the picoreplayer web
page, it played flawlessly.  I do not have any of the analog cables
connected, so I am sure that it is playing through the HDMI, although
the output is set to analog (I rebooted the Pi just to make sure).  The
display on the Marantz receiver to which the HDMI is plugged in displays
192 when I am playing a 192/24 file!  Also, when checking th pi, it
confirms that:

tc@piCorePlayer:/proc/asound/card0$ sudo cat
format: S32_LE
subformat: STD
channels: 2
rate: 192000 (192000/1)
period_size: 2048
buffer_size: 8192

It is odd that it is working with the 'analog' setting, but I am not
complaining!  I don't here any distortion.  I am not sure, but I may
have heard a few clicks between tracks, but I have to research that by
isolating myself with headphones. The ALSA settings are: 80:::0.

Do I have to make any other adjustments?

Also, even though this thread is 2 years old, "picoreplayer" is
misspelled in the title (I have reported it).  Makes it hard for the
search engine to find it!

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