SamS wrote: 
> Good idea :)  I don't recall which version I was using, but I updated to
> the Triode version, and the last-10-second-glitch was gone :)  I did
> testing for a couple of hours, and everything appeared OK.  Just to
> really test, I updated to the Ralphy version.  No 10-second-glitch, but
> now I had a glitch between tracks.  Ugh.  So I re-installed the Triode
> version. Still has a glitch between tracks :( I rebooted the LMS server,
> the pCP, everything I could think of.  So now, I've traded one glitch
> for another, aargh.  Certainly the glitch between tracks must have an
> easy fix?  I don't get this on my standard Squeezeboxes.

Hi SamS,

I think you need to start from scratch. Start with a Raspberry Pi with a
fresh pCP image. Make NO configuration changes. Do not attach any extra
devices to the Raspberry Pi. Connect via Ethernet.

So now you have a Raspberry Pi with power and Ethernet only. By default
pCP will connect via DHCP to your LMS and Squeezelite will work via
analog out.

Use some ear plugs to test for glitches. Just use random play tracks so
no intervention is required.

We are assuming your power supply is good. A lot of issues with
Raspberry Pi are related to inadequate PSU.

I am assuming the term glitch means a noticeable static noise that is
easily heard.


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