SamS wrote: 
> Steen and Greg,
> Here is the source of my issue:
> It's a culprit of SqueezePlay.  Basically, the buffer for each 16/44
> FLAC track runs out at -0:10 seconds, at which time LMS sends a big
> spike of data which causes the audible dropout.  This also explains why
> hi-rez tracks experience this phenomenon around -0:04, because the
> buffer holds less of the track due to size.
> What pCP or LMS settings could fix this reliably?
> Another fellow confirms here:

Hey SamS,

Just putting some ideas out there!

We don't use SqueezePlay, we use Squeezelite.

You have tried big buffers, 8000 instead of 80. Even so, that would just
be masking your issue. We have to work out why the buffer is not being
filled in timely manner. Can you describe your network? Are you using

Do you have both LMS up at the same time? pCP will just use the first
one it finds.

Try netstat -nt on the Pi to see it's tcp connections. Port #3483 is the
LMS server.

BTW: I use an original RPi with only 256mb as my LMS, pCP uses wifi and
standard buffer settings. I have a dozen RPi and I just grab one, stick
in a SD card and it just works.


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