>  Quote Originally Posted by Pascal Hibon View Post
> Even if it's only muted, this will still be better than nothing. :-)
> Side question: does piCorePlayer toggle GPIO22 only when the IQaudIO amp
> is selected or do you always toggle GPIO22 no matter what amp is
> selected? I'm asking because that would be very useful for switching
> external devices too (for example with RPI's who are not fitted with a
> "hat" amplifier) !

paul- wrote: 
> There are a couple of ways to do what you want.    This solution uses
> the LMS cli to check the status of the player, and then toggle on/off a
> gpio pin.
> http://www.pinkfishmedia.net/forum/showthread.php?t=165465   (Look down
> the page, you will see a script that Greg posted)
> I also have a version of squeezelite that I compiled in the option to
> change a GPIO pin when the power status is changed......it also will
> toggle the power off, if you just pause the player for a certain amount
> of time.    I also recently added an option to fire a shell script from
> squeezelite when the power status is changed.   I did this for a user
> that needed to do something a little more complicated with GPIO.

I think that the GPIO Pin 22 toggle is unique to the amp drivers, I
tested this before using the script metioned here.

I too use a slightly modified version of that script (Thanks Greg) but
it would be nice to have this funtion built into PCP (IE If power is on
GPIO pin x is high) and be able to select the GPIO pin in Web GUI. In
this way you can use the "Powersave" plugin globally for all players and
not have to reinstall the script everytime you do an update.


*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezePlayer,PiCorePlayer
*Server:* LMS Version: 7.9.0 - 1453293926 on Centos 7 VM on ESXi 6 on HP
*Plugins:* AutoRescan/BBCiPlayer/PowerSave/PowerSwitchIII/Squeezecloud
*Remotes:* iPeng8/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite
*Music:* 383GB,1269 albums 17756 songs 4381 artists mostly FLACs

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