Olivier wrote: 
> Hi,
> I'm using the last version (V2.05) on a Pi3 with the hifiberry DAC+ . It
> works perfectly until you don't use wifi (internal or usb dongle).
> Hifiberry tells that distributions should use the last kernel to solve
> this problem. Do you have any suggestions? Or news ?

We have a release coming shortly, but still based on the current kernel.
This release is mainly an under the hood release, with a few bug

We will probably start looking into a release based on the 4.4.x kernels
next, but there is no timeline.  There is a ton of things that need
rebuilt to work with the new build.     Do you know what kernel source
date fixes the problem, or what the specific problem is.    One of our
other hesitations is that kernel patches are coming fast and

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