kidstypike wrote: 
> I don't think the problem of LMS not downloading has anything to do with
> how the SD card is formatted/flashed. (I use
> SDFormatter/Win32DiscImager).
> My screeshot in post #11 shows 6.8GB free on an 8GB card, after setting
> everything up except LMS.
> My prefered order is to set up everything else: resize file system,
> additional file systems, network mount, USB mount, Samba, ect., then
> download/install and configure LMS.
> However, twice this has resulted in being unable to download LMS.
> If I boot the pi, resize the file system, *then download/install LMS
> before doing anything else*, twice using this method I have had no
> problem.
> Please note that on all four installs the SD cards have been
> formatted/flashed using the same tools.
> This is *my* experience. Coincidence?, I don't know. YMMV.

confirmed.   More repo madness.......

What is happening.   The official piCore (base OS) repo has updated
openssl to include a dependency to root ca certificates.  This
development happened right as we were releasing pCP 3.10   so the
version included with pcp and on the pcp repo does not include this. 
The root ca extension is 630k

When you install Samba4 this comes from the piCore repo, and that
updates the dependency link requiring ca-certificates.tcz.  I did a
partial update on our repo, so that this no longer fails.

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