Sorry for not being more specific. 

The system is intel based D510MO board with 2 x1TB disks. LVM
configuration. There are no errors in the system logs.  

LMS_safe = 'logitechmediaserver' plus the '_safe' suffix. Which
apparently is needed to reconnect to mysql if I correctly understood the
code in the startup script (the one that goes into init.d). Hence my
suspicion that the original server had crashed. But since there is no
log file I can't tell for sure. 

I can see LMS is running because it shows in htop and after doing a full
apt-get purge i see the scanner is running and the data base is being
populated. (so i guess the link to mysql is working).

Not sure about the network though, but I have temporarily renamed the
startup script in init.d and started LMS manually, alas to no avail.
Although starting manually shows a normal version of the server (without
the _safe). But still telneting into port 9000 shows connection refused.
(9090, 3483s). There is nothing else beside the LMS running on the
server except for samba sharing the media directory to my windows
machine. Which is no longer connected. And also Webmin is running off
port 10000. Which by the way is working. (there is no firewall or
iptables settings ).

Maybe the problem is related to the fact the the overall system
configuration dates back to an old 11.04 version that has gradually been
upgraded. Although everything else seems to be working and I don't have
any errors in the log and there is no /var/log/squeezebox.log or

Doing a complete reinstall over an existing installation picks up all
the data and gives a system running perfectly normal - until I

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