paul- wrote: 
> Palmerx,
> It seems as if the card is not being detected soon enough.  I've seen
> this in a couple of cases, and fixed it for the next release.
> open and type   "cat /proc/asound/cards"
> Look at the output and get the card number.
> > 
  >   > 
  > tc@pCP:/mnt/mmcblk0p1/overlays$ cat /proc/asound/cards
  > 0 [ALSA           ]: bcm2835_alsa - bcm2835 ALSA
  > bcm2835 ALSA
  > 1 [PianoDACPlus   ]: PianoDACPlus - PianoDACPlus
  > PianoDACPlus
> > 
> In this example, my PianoDac is card 1
> Now edit /etc/asound.conf, in section pcm.plugequal  look for the
> line
> slave.pcm "plughw:,0";  It should read
> slave.pcm "plughw:1,0";  (I just put a 1 here, but put whatever card
> number you find in step 1)

Yes its true in my case it would also be card 1 and this is missing. I'm
sorry to ask but how do I edit asoud.conf? I was able to read it with
WinSCP but the changes are lost after reboot.
With Putty I could not edit it because of nano was not working...

Thanks for the help Paul!

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