paul- wrote: 
> I'm not aware of an issue with alsa equal.  We have had some issues with
> the insitu upgrade messing this up, which removing the equalizer, then
> reinstalling fixes.
> What is the output setting on the squeezelite page?  it should be
> "equal" 
> Also look at the Diagnostics | Sound page.
> What is the contents of "PLAYBACK Hardware Devices" and "Current
> /etc/asound.conf"

Reinstalling the Eq was not working for me. It is on "equal"  funny is
that on a same based system  piCorePlayer v3.22 | linux 4.9.50-pcpCore |
piCore v8.01 | Squeezelite v1.8.7-999 the Eq is working and on the |
piCorePlayer v3.22 | linux 4.9.50-pcpCore_v7 | piCore v8.01 |
Squeezelite v1.8.7-1007 it is not working!


    # default - Generated by piCorePlayer
  pcm.!default {
  type plug
  slave.pcm "hw:0,0"
  #---ALSA EQ Below--------
  ctl.equal {
  type equal;
  controls "/home/tc/.alsaequal.bin"
  library "/usr/local/lib/ladspa/"
  pcm.plugequal {
  type equal;
  slave.pcm "plughw:,0";
  controls "/home/tc/.alsaequal.bin"
  library "/usr/local/lib/ladspa/"
  pcm.equal {
  type plug;
  slave.pcm plugequal;

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