DJanGo wrote: 
> Hi,
> your and 2.nd statement didnt match together...
> And its not helping any further to this topic - you need to adjust
> things whenever something outside changes.
> There is a lot more brain involved to handle a task like that as just
> use a out of the box fedore type of "distribution".

How so?  Vorterbox by default installs a working LMS server.  You can
add samba and other utilities if you want or need additional
functionality.   Vortexbox is a very lightweight distribution -based -on
Fedora.  Is does not install a GUI.  You use the web interface to
interact with it.  It has a very small install footprint compared to an
Ubuntu workstation install as a result. It is simple to setup.  It is
simple to run.

So yes statement 1 and 2 match together fine.

As to your comment "its not helping any further to this topic"  Well,
again, I respectfully disagree.  Instead of going the route the OP
chose, Vortexbox offers a super simple way to run LMS in a
virtualization environment.  Ubuntu is an option of course.  But I am
offering an -alternative -to what OP did that might help other users
thinking of virtualizing LMS.  

Based on OP's comments he found setting up LMS on Ubuntu to be a
frustrating and likely time consuming.  It is great he persevered and
got LMS running to his satisfaction on Ubuntu.  But for a lot of users
they will give up if the learning curve is too steep.  Vortexbox does
all the heavy lifting and would have addressed all three of his big
roadblocks with minimal effort. 

For someone that just wants to enjoy their music on LMS, Vortexbox is an
option that I strongly recommend.

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