pablolie wrote: 
> 3 things don't migrate well:
> 1. Network configuration. Go for bridged. It'll save you a lot of issues
> with LMS. You have to set that up in the VM management sw, not the vm
> itself.
> 2. Music directory visibility to LMS. I have no idea why that is. I
> would have assumed if you have the same NTFS drive connected to the
> exact same vm running ubuntu, hey, the fastab stuff should work right
> away when you connect the external NTFS drive. But that is not so.
> You'll have to mess about with your fstab again. 
> 3. Network accessibility of your music collection aka Samba
> configuration. Gone too when you migrate the vm. Odd. I like to have
> that because I tend to rip new CDs on my Win10 dbPoweramp app, and then
> easily drop them into the music directory (owned by the Ubuntu VM).
I don't use VMWare and I don't like Ubuntu all that much, but in

1. Yes bridge the guest to a physical network card on the host, and set
the guest to DHCP. *Make sure the hypervisor assigns the same MAC
address to the guest across different VMWare installs*, otherwise the
ubuntu machine is going to create "eth1" where "eth0" was formerly used.
(If you run into that, go to /etc/udev/rules.d/, remove file
70-persistent-net.rules and reboot. The network card will be called eth0
Same problem if the Ubuntu guest uses the so-called Predictable Network
Interface Names. Actually the problem is possibly worse since there are
different naming schemes for PNIN... In the guest I would try disabling
that junk or use the ludicrous "device name is enxMAC_address" policy,
along with specifying the same MAC in VMWare across installs. 
Now the guest normally will only change network IP address across
installs, e.g. IP in one install, in another,

2. I understand this is a physical USB drive exported by VMWare to the
guest? It is quite possible that the device path/name inside the guest
changes from install to install. However a mount in fstab that would use
higher-level information like UUID= (will change if you reformat the
partition) or LABEL= (not available on all filesystems, ok on NTFS
AFAIK) should work across instances.
If the drive is exported as an USB device (and not as, say, a SATA
device) then in addition the guest might feel like being smart, mount
the volume to /media/somename and disregard your fstab entry. I would
export the physical device as a SATA/SCSI device if possible, otherwise
expel from the guest OS any pesky "USB mount helper"  

3. If the SMB shares use names, e.g \\DESKTOP\music or \\MYVM\newstuff
then there shouldn't be a problem. If sharing/mounting by IP address,
there could be a problem across installs?

3 SB 3 • Libratone Loop, Zipp Mini • iPeng (iPhone + iPad) • LMS 7.9
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