Apologies for the below I took a break both to write this post and to
have drink and a think . If everything is the same and the other unit
works there must be something different about that unit . Yes there is
the Digi Hat . The Hifi Berry Pi Hat works mounted to the case door
which covers the Pi board and screws in to that not issues. However on
checking I mounted the Just Boon Digi the sam but the pins on the
connector for the Pi baord are not fully down .

Simple mechanical answer was take the dorr cover off mount the Boom
directly to the Pi and all is solved music comes out and sounds as good
as I ecpected it too .

Apologies to have not done a complete mechanical check of all parts
before blaming the software. 

bencat wrote: 
> I have already completed one SBt replacment player using the above but
> with Pi HAt Digi and this worked well first time . I have now decided to
> construct a second  . Construction and set up seemed to go well system
> boots but having a little number of issues . Firstly each time I turn on
> the set up Language Screen and then the Image Choice keeps showing and
> will not save my choice . 
> Worse when I can get it to work Squeezelite will not run . I have tried
> updating Squeezelite and full update but no change . I have also tried
> reload picore player and even swithced between standard and audio
> version but nothing seems to get the Squeezlite to run .
> Sadly I have to admit I am not at all conversant with all the technical
> details of my Raspberry Pi set up but use the skill and kindness shown
> by the writers of this and other software to get things working . Mostly
> with a bit of persistence it just works but sadly not this time any
> suggestions .
> Set Up 
> Raspberry Pi B+ - JustBoom Digi Hat - Official Raspbery Pi Touch screen

System - Concordant Exhilirant Valve Pre , SBT Triode EDO,Toolbox 3.0 ,
Theta Data Basic II Transport , Perpetual Technology P-1a,P-3a,Anti Mode
2.0 Dual Core,Krell KSA50 MK 1 .
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