s25a wrote: 
> ...
> The only way to get the DXD
> (What-A-Wonderful-World_DXD352KHz_2chDXD.wav) file to work is:
> 1) Install C-3PO Plugin
> 2a) Start squeezelite version R2 from Marco with
> > 
  >   > ./squeezeR2 -d decode=debug -D :u32be -o hw:CARD=D20,DEV=0
> > 
> or
> 2b) Start Squeezelite (Ralphy) with:
> > 
  >   > ./squeeze -W -d decode=debug -D :u32be -o hw:CARD=D20,DEV=0
> > 
> The -W is important otherwise it does not work !!!!

Not sure, but probably you are asking asqueezelite to convert everything
to DSD :u32be. This is probably why it works with pcm384 (dsd256) and
not with 768 (dsd512).

Try to add all=debug to the command line and look at the log file to see
the real output format.

    ./squeezeR2 -d all=debug -D :u32be -o hw:CARD=D20,DEV=0

if is DSD, then remove the -D :u32be part.

debugginbg output you'll see the real output format.

s25a wrote: 
> 3) Then go to settings in the Player tab / C-3PO Transcoding helper
> There you have to enable C-3PO for the Player. (I think that was already
> done by default)
> 4) On this Page the important Setting is on the section "Dithering". The
> default setting already works. If you disable the dithering it will only
> give you a Pink Noise.
> Enabling it (Automatic(default)) with 3Byte 24bit (also default) will
> solve it.
> So thank you all for help and support. My final question to better
> understand would be:
> 1) What does that mean for the quality for DXD. It's not resampled as I
> see 352,8Khz on my DAC. But it is converted. What exactly happens here
> and does that modify the file and degrade the quality?
> 2) If i go to "Last executed command" I see:
> > 
  >   > 
  > At: 2018/08/18 13:44:41
  > Profile:
  > wav-pcm-*-00:22:4d:b7:7d:9e
  > Command:
  > [C-3PO] -c $CLIENTID$ -p 
"/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs/plugin/C3PO.prefs" -l 
"/var/log/squeezeboxserver/" -x "/usr/sbin" -i wav -o wav $START$ $END$ 
$RESAMPLE$ $FILE$ --nodebuglog --noinfolog
  > Tokenized command:
  > "/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/C3PO/Bin/C-3PO" 
-c 00-22-4d-b7-7d-9e -p "/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs/plugin/C3PO.prefs" -l 
"/var/log/squeezeboxserver/" -x "/usr/sbin" -i wav -o wav 
--nodebuglog --noinfolog & |
  > Trasformed by C-3PO in:
  > "/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/x86_64-linux/sox" -q -t wav 
"/LPS_Test/Medien/Medien/TEST/What-A-Wonderful-World_DXD352KHz_2chDXD.wav" -t 
wav -b 24 --buffer 8192 - gain -h
> > 
> So how would the "convert.conf" file look like? That is just for
> interest as I will definitely stick to this wonderful Plugin :-)

Your problem is that your card is 24bit only capable, Is not dithering,
but the output format that solve this in C-3PO, in particular "-b 24" in
the command line is doing the job.

The line in custom-convert.conf shul dbe something like this:

wav-pcm * 00:22:4d:b7:7d:9e
[SOX] -q -t wav - -t wav -b 24 --buffer 8192 - gain -h

s25a wrote: 
> 3) Would you recommend to replace the SOC version? Marco described how
> to do that (https://audiodigitale.eu/) to have support for DSD. I do not
> really need the DSD feature as DSD512 is already played however maybe
> there are other side effects that will improve.

The only difference in mansur version of sox is DSD, but the one in LMS
is a very old one, I did replace it with the newer (standard) even if I
do not use DSD.

s25a wrote: 
> 4) Still the 768 Test file I uploaded here does not work. I mean :-) OK
> not really a problem but I would like to know why. It does play when you
> disable 768Kzh in the settings. You can then see that it is resampled to
> 384Khz
> > 
  >   > 
  > [14:06:40.432569] codec_open:257 codec open: 'p'
  > [14:06:40.432595] pcm_open:397 pcm size: 3 rate: 44100 chan: 2 bigendian: 0
  > [14:06:40.610851] _check_header:80 WAVE
  > [14:06:40.610883] _check_header:104 header: fmt  len: 40
  > [14:06:40.610888] _check_header:143 pcm size: 3 rate: 384000 chan: 2 
bigendian: 0
  > [14:06:40.610892] _check_header:104 header: fact len: 4
  > [14:06:40.610895] _check_header:104 header: data len: 34560000
  > [14:06:40.610899] _check_header:115 wav audio size: 34560000
  > [14:06:40.610903] pcm_decode:206 setting track_start
> > 
> otherwise it's not resampled and the DAC shows PCM768 but output is
> only strange noise 
> > 
  >   > 
  > [14:05:27.100603] decode_flush:229 decode flush
  > [14:05:27.116586] codec_open:257 codec open: 'p'
  > [14:05:27.116620] pcm_open:397 pcm size: 3 rate: 44100 chan: 2 bigendian: 0
  > [14:05:27.310240] _check_header:80 WAVE
  > [14:05:27.310597] _check_header:104 header: fmt  len: 40
  > [14:05:27.310605] _check_header:143 pcm size: 3 rate: 768000 chan: 2 
bigendian: 0
  > [14:05:27.310617] _check_header:104 header: fact len: 4
  > [14:05:27.310621] _check_header:104 header: data len: 69120000
  > [14:05:27.310625] _check_header:115 wav audio size: 69120000
  > [14:05:27.310628] pcm_decode:206 setting track_start
  > [14:05:28.723652] decode_flush:229 decode flush
> > 

Sure your dac is handling PCM768 ? It sems it does not. BTW, this is LMS
(C-3PO) resampling. Using C-3PO is ok, but if you would like to use
'pure' lms, be aware that is going to use the line in "TRANSCODING"
settings in convert.conf, that's why in R2 you could (should) add -x to
the command line.

s25a wrote: 
> 5) And Finally: If you try to jump within a track that is handled by
> C-3PO the Playback stops. I guess this is a technical limitation of the
> conversion but maybe I have overseen something :-)

That depends on settings, if you enable SEEK and do not resample, it
should work, in your settings SEEK is disabled for WAV. I Advise you to
install FFMPEG if you'd like to seek inside a wav file, othervise is
going to convert back and forth to flac.

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See
marcoc1712's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=34842
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=97046

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