
ouups :-) Here are now the right headers:

  server:~$ hd -n 512 
  00000000  52 49 46 46 2a 7a b1 24  57 41 56 45 4a 55 4e 4b  |RIFF*z.$WAVEJUNK|
  00000010  1c 00 00 00 2a 7a b1 24  00 00 00 00 e0 79 b1 24  |....*z.$.....y.$|
  00000020  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
  00000030  66 6d 74 20 12 00 00 00  03 00 02 00 20 62 05 00  |fmt ........ b..|
  00000040  00 11 2b 00 08 00 20 00  00 00 64 61 74 61 e0 79  |..+... ...data.y|
  00000050  b1 24 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 e3 12 28 b6 e3 12  |.$..........(...|
  00000060  28 b6 90 54 0c 37 90 54  0c 37 e1 b2 b8 b7 e1 b2  |(..T.7.T.7......|
  00000070  b8 b7 62 3d 44 38 62 3d  44 38 6a e3 b6 b8 6a e3  |..b=D8b=D8j...j.|
  00000080  b6 b8 5e 3d 1b 39 5e 3d  1b 39 ee 66 76 b9 ee 66  |..^=.9^=.9.fv..f|
  00000090  76 b9 b5 48 bb 39 b5 48  bb 39 49 cb 0d ba 49 cb  |v..H.9.H.9I...I.|
  000000a0  0d ba 4d 68 62 3a 4d 68  62 3a 86 66 da ba 86 66  |..Mhb:Mhb:.f...f|
  000000b0  da ba d6 3d d5 3b d6 3d  d5 3b 97 cf 58 3d 97 cf  |...=.;.=.;..X=..|
  000000c0  58 3d c1 67 7e 3b c1 67  7e 3b 5d 7f 15 3b 5d 7f  |X=.g~;.g~;]..;].|
  000000d0  15 3b 7b 79 1f bb 7b 79  1f bb 70 a9 78 3a 70 a9  |.;{y..{y..p.x:p.|
  000000e0  78 3a 96 4e 57 3a 96 4e  57 3a 3f ee 17 bb 3f ee  |x:.NW:.NW:?...?.|
  000000f0  17 bb 05 73 3e 3b 05 73  3e 3b a8 20 32 bb a8 20  |...s>;.s>;. 2.. |
  00000100  32 bb 46 c4 0e 3b 46 c4  0e 3b ae d1 b6 b9 ae d1  |2.F..;F..;......|
  00000110  b6 b9 38 3f 34 bb 38 3f  34 bb 12 99 92 3b 12 99  |..8?4.8?4....;..|
  00000120  92 3b ad ec 6a bb ad ec  6a bb 0f 26 03 3b 0f 26  |.;..j...j..&.;.&|
  00000130  03 3b 81 fe 9d ba 81 fe  9d ba 20 ca 80 3a 20 ca  |.;........ ..: .|
  00000140  80 3a 2b 3b 87 ba 2b 3b  87 ba 88 d6 6e 3a 88 d6  |.:+;..+;....n:..|
  00000150  6e 3a e9 b1 d1 b9 e9 b1  d1 b9 74 1b 33 3a 74 1b  |n:........t.3:t.|
  00000160  33 3a e4 ea 14 bb e4 ea  14 bb 4d d0 58 3b 4d d0  |3:........M.X;M.|
  00000170  58 3b b2 c6 2b bb b2 c6  2b bb 2b 44 9a 3a 2b 44  |X;..+...+.+D.:+D|
  00000180  9a 3a 5f 49 c7 38 5f 49  c7 38 08 06 0a ba 08 06  |.:_I.8_I.8......|
  00000190  0a ba b4 15 23 ba b4 15  23 ba b2 f0 2e 3b b2 f0  |....#...#....;..|
  000001a0  2e 3b 20 74 91 bb 20 74  91 bb 25 f7 c6 3b 25 f7  |.; t.. t..%..;%.|
  000001b0  c6 3b 49 9d d6 bb 49 9d  d6 bb 82 36 31 3b 82 36  |.;I...I....61;.6|
  000001c0  31 3b 63 20 ad 3b 63 20  ad 3b 66 56 40 bc 66 56  |1;c .;c .;fV@.fV|
  000001d0  40 bc fb f0 4f 3c fb f0  4f 3c 4c f5 2e bc 4c f5  |@...O<..O<L...L.|
  000001e0  2e bc e6 33 19 3c e6 33  19 3c 4f c7 08 bc 4f c7  |...3.<.3.<O...O.|
  000001f0  08 bc cb 46 c9 3b cb 46  c9 3b 9a fd 49 bb 9a fd  |...F.;.F.;..I...|

  server:~$ hd -n 512 
  00000000  52 49 46 46 ba 73 2b 0f  57 41 56 45 4a 55 4e 4b  |RIFF.s+.WAVEJUNK|
  00000010  1c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
  00000020  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
  00000030  66 6d 74 20 10 00 00 00  01 00 02 00 20 62 05 00  |fmt ........ b..|
  00000040  c0 4c 20 00 06 00 18 00  64 61 74 61 e0 61 24 0f  |.L .....data.a$.|
  00000050  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|

> The line in custom-convert.conf shul dbe something like this:
> wav-pcm * 00:22:4d:b7:7d:9e
> [SOX] -q -t wav - -t wav -b 24 --buffer 8192 - gain -h

That did not work. I created the custom-convert.conf in
then added the 2 lines above but it does not Play. Maybe any mistake in
the syntax? I am not sure about this.

What also does not work is replacing the sox version

  cd /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/x86_64-linux/
  rm sox &&  wget https://audiodigitale.eu/repo/sox/sox-dsd-linux-gnu-amd64
  cp sox-dsd-linux-gnu-amd64 sox && rm sox-dsd-linux-gnu-amd64

After restarting the service it still shows the old version.

  - SOX   /usr/bin/sox  
  -- Version 140401 NOT dsd capable 

I also tried to replace the sox file under /usr/bin
However after this it does not recognize a valid SOX version.

> Sure your dac is handling PCM768 ? It sems it does not. BTW, this is LMS
> (C-3PO) resampling. Using C-3PO is ok, but if you would like to use
> 'pure' lms, be aware that is going to use the line in "TRANSCODING"
> settings in convert.conf, that's why in R2 you could (should) add -x to
> the command line.
Yes the dac can do this high rate. It shows the correct rate on the
display however there's only strange noise. If i uncheck the 768bitrate
in C-3PO than it works. It Plays and shows the rate downsampled rate of
385Khz in the display. 
BTW: In foobar it plays the 768Khz without issue so I guess it's only a
setting i did not find yet :-)

> I Advise you to install FFMPEG if you'd like to seek inside a wav file,
> othervise is going to convert back and forth to flac. 

Yes that did it :-) and now the c-3PO output is

  "/usr/bin/ffmpeg" -vn -v 0 -i 
"/tank/media/TEST/What-A-Wonderful-World_DXD352KHz_2chDXD.wav" -f wav - | 
"/usr/bin/sox" -q -t wav - -t wav -b 24 --buffer 8192 - gain -h rate -v -I -b 
90.7 384000 & |

Tried also to put this in the custom.conf but for whatever reason it
does not work.

Appreciate your help and support.

Thanks S

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