Roland0 wrote: 
> My  sexpect spawn backgrounds itself - maybe because I spawn a shell.
> You should do a "wait" after the "close", otherwise sexpect will hang (I
> guess this is why you kill it?)
> Haven't found a way to suppress the output, so I just redirect stdout to
> /dev/null

Yes, I think spawning a shell is the difference though manually
backgrounding it in my test script worked ok, just took me a few minutes
to figure out what was going on since I didn't think backgrounding was

I was killing the port 9000 sexpect process and then respawning it at
the top of the loop as an ugly way of clearing the buffer.

> But doesn't this just always process the first track in the playlist
> (which isn't necessarily the one playing) ?
No, index 0 is the currently playing song if you use the dash in the
query - from the cli page:

  Set the parameter to "-" to get the playlist data starting from the current 

> btw, if you use wget to post, you don't need netcat, the second sexpect
> spawn and the matching sexpect expect/_outs - simply put the result JSON
> into a variable.

The busybox wget doesn't do post.  Haha, I know, get a different version
that does, and any sane person would, but I seem to be irrationally hung
up on not wanting to bring in extra tools, even though I have to for some

Just a few minutes ago I finally figured out how to get the json data just
using the busybox nc, that was driving me crazy.  I couldn't understand
why it was just exiting without returning anything.  It's the sleep .1
that made all the difference.

Here's the little test script I used:



post=$(cat <<'END_HEREDOC'
POST /jsonrpc.js HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 97


(echo -e "$post"; sleep .1) | nc 9000 | tail --line=+7 > json.txt


So now I'm thinking about trying the log watching method so I can detect
newsong events and retrieve the json with just busybox builtins.

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