sodface wrote: 
> Before I read Roland's post on using sexpect (I was already
> disillusioned with the expect that I was using because it comes with 2mb
> of tcl) I was tinkering with setting the squeezelite log option in the
> pCP web interface to "stream=info" and then using inotifywait to monitor
> /var/log/pcp_squeezelite.log for modification.  That actually seems to
> work pretty well and you can just blank the log after every event so it
> doesn't continually grow.  So if all you want is a way to detect a
> change and you are getting your actual update information via the
> jsonrpc call or whatever, then monitoring the log probably works as well
> as the sexpect method, though it still has the inotifywait dependency.
sexpect + curl + jq + nc6 = 350K with only zlib as a dependency - that's
light-weight enough for me. 

> I'm not really digging the jsonrpc.js stuff, mostly because I can't get
> it to work with just nc and curl wouldn't install when I tried it
> earlier, "Error on ipv6-4.14.56-pcpCore_v7.tcz", I guess I probably need
> to hit the pCP repo for that package??  
Compile a local version.

> I wish there was an easy to parse http GET you could do with wget.  Is
> there one?  
Probably not.

> If I can figure out how to get the cava bar font to look decent outside
> of tmux I think I'll ditch tmux too. 
Works fine on the FB console here.

> //edit - also, the "newsong" part of "subscribe playlist newsong"
> doesn't do anything to filter the responses, it's the same as just
> "subscribe playlist" so far as I can tell.
Yes, the regex used by sexpect takes care of that,

GraphicsMagick takes ~2 sec to generate the PNG shown in the screenshot
above, which isn't too bad. Still, it's noticeable when a cached image
is used (but probably only if one is staring at the screen).

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