huxmut wrote: 
> I've said it before, you guys should rename the RT Audio version to the
> "dont use this" or the "your pi will die" version...

:-) The RT Version has been excellent on my RPI3B and RPI3B+, the only
issue I have had is with the Wifi (which after installing the normal
kernel I relaised I have with that too).  But, I think I have solved the
issue I was having - even with the normal version.  I eventually gave-up
using the Web GIU and tried the "setup" via SSH.  I got a sign-of-life
(i.e. an IP address) and visibility of the RPI3 on my wifi network but
could not connect to the Web GUI.  I then edited the wpa_supplicant.conf
(based on the sample) file on the SDcard adding my SSID, password and
country code (GB).  I rebooted and voila, I had an IP address, I could
connect to it with or without the LAN cable attached and, most
importantly of all, my LMS can see it and I can play music.

Perhaps the issue is related to the passphrase/password.  I use a series
of hex characters for my password but the PCP GUI treats this as a
passphrase and generates a long hex number based from the passphrase and
SSID, which my network does not recognise so I cannot connect.  If this
is really the problem, an option to bypass the passphrase generation
would be good.

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