I'll need to do some more experimenting this evening, but the impression
I have is that the mouse pointer is scaled down approx 50% when Jivelite
starts up, i.e. if I touch the bottom-right corner the cursor moves to
the centre of the screen, if I touch the top-right the cursor moves to
the middle of the top edge etc.  But when I touch the top-left it
automagically self-calibrates.

This makes no sense to me.  I could almost understand it if touching the
bottom-right corner would do this, since 'big numbers' in X and Y could
be interpreted as the extremes of the display.  But touching top-left
will register near-zero actual coordinates, so how can this help with
any sort of auto-scaling?

This evening I'll do some more testing, to see how close I have to move
to the top-left corner before this self-calibration takes place, and
also to see whether all those TSLIB environment variables make any
difference to this self-calibration (to rule out the possibility that
the whole setup is somehow ignoring TSLIB).

For now, I have Jivelite running independently of X, and I can get the
touch calibration working well, so that's progress, but it would be nice
to get to the bottom of the apparent self-calibration, and if it turns
out that a touch to the top-left corner is necessary, can this be
achieved programmatically?  

Thoughts/experience/suggestions all welcomed!

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