Inconsideramus wrote: 
> This is my main media playback machine, so I'm looking to have all of my
> various apps playback through the same speakers.
> Everything seems to work as expected when I run Squeezelite from the
> command line, but something different is going on when the service
> starts at boot or with > 
  >   > service squeezelite start
> > .  When starting as a service, it plays fine at first, but as soon as
> I use the software mixer (change system volume level), Squeezelite
> goes silent.
> I'm guessing this could mean that the service is starting with a
> device output other than PulseAudio, but I don't seem to be going to
> the right place or entering the right details to tweak that option.

Will PulseAudio be running at system boot, when you're not yet logged in
to a desktop session?

Inconsideramus wrote: 
> When I edit /etc/default/squeezelite - even just to add > 
  >   > SL_SOUNDCARD="pulse"
> > it seems to just crash, showing me:
> > 
  >   >   squeezelite.service - LSB: Lightweight headless Squeezebox emulator
  > Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/squeezelite; generated)
  > Active: active (exited) since Fri 2019-04-19 14:34:01 MST; 9s ago
  > Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
  > Process: 13693 ExecStop=/etc/init.d/squeezelite stop (code=exited, 
  > Process: 14218 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/squeezelite start (code=exited, 
  > Apr 19 14:34:01 Maxie systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Lightweight headless 
Squeezebox emulator...
  > Apr 19 14:34:01 Maxie systemd[1]: Started LSB: Lightweight headless 
Squeezebox emulator.
> > 

My hunch would be that Ubuntu's use of an old-style init script could be
causing any potentially-helpful error messages from the squeezelite
binary to be discarded, here.  You could try cribbing the 'systemd
service file from Fedora's package'
to see whether that's more informative.

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