Paul Webster wrote: 
> Now go to the pCP web interface and choose Squeezelite - and then from
> the "Audio settings" section at the top choose "USB Audio" and hit
> save.
> It should then ask to reboot ... to which you should say yes.
> Then, when it comes back, go to the same place and pick one of the
> listed USB audio devices.
> If the first does not work ... try one of the others ... and repeat
> until working.
> Also - I see that your USB speakers registered a "HID" device (human
> interface) ... so there is a good chance that the remote control that
> came with it will work.
> Also we are in the pCP 3.00 thread here ... but hopefully you are
> running pCP 4.something

I'm on 4.1.0. I didn't see the 3.00 thread title. Sorry about that.

Anyway, after adding hw:CARD=cubik to the output setting box the
speakers are now working. Though the output is a bit low. If I whack the
LMS output up to 100% it's still barely audible. And with lots of hiss.
Used with the PC & Volumio they are loud enough to fill my home office.
Is there something else I need to tweak?

Sorry if this is getting a bit long-winded and boring. Really appreciate
your time and the step-by-step help.

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