The 240 square skin is available for picoreplayer.  I've only tested
with 6.0beta but it should be fine with 5.0 as well.

I'd suggest uninstalling jivelite from the web admin and delete
/home/tc/.jivelite before you begin.

You'll need to manually add the following variables to
/usr/local/etc/pcp/pcp.cfg and you need to execute the editor with root
privileges to save changes.


Then backup the configuration.

Eventually, you'll be able to set these values in the jivelite tweaks
section. Thanks Paul.

Next in the web admin from the main page tab->additional
functions->extensions and load

then navigate to the tweaks tab and install jivelite, picoreplayer will
reboot and you should have jivelite asking you to choose the language
using the square skin.

At the select the skin prompt just press the left key to skip as the
QVGA 240x240 Square Skin will already be selected and active.

I've included a 240x240 splash image in the squareskin as default
extension, which should be displayed when jivelite starts, however, I
can't confirm it as I don't have an fb screen which supports 240x240


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