shunte88 wrote: 
> I've added install instructions and a pCP lightweight binary with
> required support files to the repo
> This only supports the shared memory visualization mode as used by
> Jivelite
> Its tested under both 5.0.0 and 6.0.0 pCP on pi3B+ and pi4
> There were missing files under 4.0.0 and I couldn't find a clean way to
> source them so for now this is 5.0.0/6.0.0 supported only
> I also tested with a 0.96" and a 1.3" OLED, usable and readable on both
> sizes. 
> Peak meter is implemented but is disabled in this build s it looked
> terrible on a 0.96" version of the OLED
> Currently only one visualization mode at a time may be specified but
> I'll be adding a mechanism to specify multiple modes in the near future
> Let me know if you uncover any nasties :mad:
> I know of one issue where multiple lines of scrolling text can get
> *confused*, you'll know it if you see it :D

I have the old LMSmonitor installed and working.  Now I follow your
instructions but no display

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