D1eter wrote: 
> If you have a spare SD card and need nothig specifically from max2play
> you might just try piCorePlayer https://www.picoreplayer.org/ to see if
> pCP has the same problem.

Thanks for this suggestion. I will try that when I have some time.

Meanwhile while playing Dandelion Radio from
http://www.dandelionradio.com/DandelionRadio.pls , I discovered my setup
wont show cover-arts from  img.discogs.com either. Dandelion is a new
station for me, but I'm pretty sure it had cover-arts the first time I
listened to it...

'*rockland*.dk' (https://www.rockland.dk) - '*last.fm*/user/rockland'
(https://last.fm/user/rockland) - '*discogs*.com/user/StigNygaard'
(https://discogs.com/user/StigNygaard) -
*Server:* LMS 8.0.0 ('LmsUpdate'
(https://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?111876)) - 1586752615 @
Apr 13 2020 on Synology DS716+II.  *Clients:* 'RPi3 (Max2Play, 7\"
touch, HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro)'
(https://shop.max2play.com/en/raspberry-pi-2-bundle-7-display.html), SB
Touch, OrangeSqueeze/SqueezePlayer. *Livingroom HiFi:* Marantz PM6005
and F3/Lyd Audiovector 2.
Try my *'Art Grabr' (https://greasyfork.org/scripts/20771)* for
fetching big *cover-art* from various sites - And *'Album Linkr'
(https://greasyfork.org/scripts/21153)* for a better *last.fm* desktop
browser experience...
Stig Nygaard's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=111606

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