ralphy wrote: 
> That's an interesting observation.  Does using plughw increase the cpu
> sys load instead?
No. squeezelite and jive_alsa just use much less CPU but there is no
increase elsewhere. It seems that in my case using defaults (i.e. I
didn't specify a device at all) isn't the most efficient way to go.

ralphy wrote: 
> I would NOT recommend using plughw: with squeezelite as it masks the
> true capabilities of the audio hardware and moves any audio conversion
> to the alsa layer instead of squeezelite.
I wasn't aware that squeezelite's audio conversion is preferable to
ALSA's. Is hw:0,0 better then? CPU usage is the same for both with the
material I own.

ralphy wrote: 
> jive_alsa will automatically close and reopen the audio device with
> plughw: to allow resampled playback of audio streams not directly
> supported by the audio hardware.
I gather that for jive_alsa it is better to use plughw: to benefit from
this feature? Plus jive_alsa uses very little CPU with plughw: so I
guess I'll just use SqueezePlay without hacks.

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