Currently I have one docker-file per architecture - so if you have a URL
where I can get the package for a specific architecture, I would be
happy to use it instead of getting the "big package" every time. Is


where debXXX is one of debarm, debamd64 or debi386. the correct page
for the docs?

As outdated as it is, it's probably the best we have...

One challenge I've never fully understood is plugins with helper
applications: How, in a Docker image, would eg. Spotify Connect work, if
Spotty's helper application would need to be reachable from outside the
Docker container?

I don't know the helper application, but it is no problem to make an
application available via network - you can just forward the relevant
ports to the container. That's what happens with the LMS image too:
forwarding of port 9000 allows the website to be reachable from outside
the docker host.

But I'd have to modify the image, wouldn't I? It's not something Joe Average would be doing?

The background of my question is that there are major changes for Windows and macOS ahead. ActiveState, the vendor of the Perl tools we're using on Windows, recently wrote that they would recommend to no longer use their dev kit, but use Docker instead. And Apple announced a while ago that they might be removing scripting languages from macOS. Therefore a docker image which would "just work" would be great. But we can't expect Joe to go to the command line to configure the image.


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