mherger wrote: 
> > I don't know the helper application, but it is no problem to make an
> > application available via network - you can just forward the relevant
> > ports to the container. That's what happens with the LMS image too:
> > forwarding of port 9000 allows the website to be reachable from
> outside
> > the docker host.[/color]
> But I'd have to modify the image, wouldn't I? It's not something Joe 
> Average would be doing?

There’s a `--publish` option to `docker run` to tell it which ports you
want to forward to the container, or a `--publish-all` option to tell it
to forward all ports described in the image.

The trouble that Michael correctly identifies is that an LMS image
wouldn’t know about all of the ports that LMS plugins might want, making
the `--publish-all` option not useful.  Further, the `--publish` option
has to be supplied -outside- the container, meaning that a plugin could
not automatically open ports, there'd need to be manual intervention
from the user.

One can imagine publishing an LMS+Spotify container image, where the
Spotify plugin had been layered on top of the base LMS image.  However,
this wouldn’t be scalable to all plugins, and would remove the
possibility of managing plugins from within LMS.

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